
Monday, April 18, 2011

What goes up, must come down.

What is good must be hard, and what is exciting will also be scary.

When I first started thinking about the possibility of going on a missions trip for half a year, it was all about the ideas (my favorite part). Ideas for packing and preparing, going and doing, saying good bye, and of course fund raising! In the way of money I will need about $5,000 to get there, stay there, and get back. That doesn't include spending money or an ipad (witch would be really nice to have!).

The story of my grand fund raising idea: A few years ago some friends and I started a band we called Silver Lining, we did a couple single song performances for 4-H, but we really weren't that successful, so we kind of gave up. I did want to do one last something with them before I leave though, go out with a bang, and then we could be officially done. I was thinking concert, with more than one song so we wouldn't have to fight about which one to do! Then I was thinking "Who for though? Our parents? Um, no offence, but, no. People want to go for a reason, if it's not to see a really famous/popular band, then maybe, to support a good cause? So a benefit concert, for me and the Platt's to go learn to do God's work, in New Zealand!"

Now back to good being hard: Having ideas is very exciting, putting them into action is scary! Mostly because you don't know what kind of resistance you're going to meet with, what kind of walls you'll have to climb over. For me it's been trying to get busy people on board with my plan, while I'm being side tracked myself. I wish I could already be there, away from here, completely focused on the task at hand, but I'm still at home in the real world, where there's school, laundry, 4-H camp counselors, writing and arts-in show, potty training RavenLeigh, and teaching a deaf dog to obey. Plus getting ready for the trip itself! Most of these aren't completely my responsibility, but I am expected to do my share.

I'm not trying to complain to the world and whine for help or sympathy, but the account of my experience would not be complete without the trials and troubles that come with it. I know that if God wants me to get there he will make a way, and provide the money, even if my idea is a total flop. In fact I know that a lot of what he wants to do though this whole thing, is teach me something. If it was just about the Platts getting the help they could use (but wouldn't die without) He would have chosen someone better suited to the job. But, he picked me, so I know it's gotta have something to do with me. Either He's going to tell me to keep on keeping on through every obstacle on my way, or He's going to teach me not to plan things out so specifically because it's never gonna be perfect. 


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