
Monday, July 11, 2011


Well I got enough for the plane ticket that night. And the next day the Platts called and said the price went up, and that they actualy had another option for a helper that was going to work out easyer.
So I'm working on letting everyone know that I'm not going, and franticly applying for State Arts-In!

At this point the only thng that really bothers me is: Why would God let me do all this work for nothing?
I s'pose it could help everything fall into place for the future, but I don't know how yet....

Thanks to everyone who tried to make this work out, feel free to keep praying for me :)
If you donated money I'll be calling to see what you want me to do with it.

I'll probably still post things on this blog. Follow up on the NewZealand thing, and/or any other crazy things that happen in my life. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Now or Never

The Platts would like to buy their plane tickets today and I don't have enough for mine. I did earn about 1/3 of my total goal, but at this point God is either going to do something big, or he has other plans for me. I will not be devastated if it doesn't work out, but I would like to see God pull it all together at the last minute. I'm asking you to pray and see what God tells you, I will need about $900 more for a plane ticket, and then living expenses.
For now we're just waiting for an answer.

If it's a no, I will not just keep the money that was already donated
I can either give it back to you,
it can continue to help the Platts with their own expenses
or, it can continue to fund my summer (State Arts-in)
I will contact each of you to see what you would prefer. 

Please read this story and pray about it before you decide "to give or not to give"

From Making Jesus Lord by Loren Cunningham, pg. 43, Chapter 4 'Almighty God or the Almighty Dollar'. He's just finished talking about how God wants to use people to help people instead of always sending ravens to everyone in need. Here is the text from the book:
You may have a desire in your heart to give, but are continually frustrated when you hear of financial needs. Every day may bring missionary newsletters to your door, each presenting legitimate needs. How can you know to whom to give and how much? I believe the only key to this frustration is to listen to the voice of the Lord in your giving – give out of obedience to Him, not out of your emotion. A story from some close friends of mine will show what I mean.
A number of years ago, a group of young people was leaving for southern California on a YWAM outreach to Hawaii. My friends, Jim and Joy Dawson, are among the most spiritually-attuned people I know. They had gone to the Los Angeles Airport to see the youth off because their son and daughter were part of the team. When they walked in, they found two – Steve and Verna – sitting forlornly in the terminal. This pair was on the list of those who were to leave, but Joy found out they didn't have enough money to buy their tickets – they were each $100 short (in the 1970's).

Both Steve and Vera felt God was telling them to go on this mission venture and had come with their bags packed as an act of faith and obedience.

Joy prayed with her husband – though they had already given several hundred dollars to others leaving on this team, they were willing to give to these two if God directed them to do so. As the Dawsons bowed their heads int eh terminal, they asked the Lord if they were to give more.

The Lord impressed both of them, however, that they were not to give. The words that Joy received in her mind were, You've done your part. I want to provide for these two through someone else.

There was nothing to do but stand back and let the drama unfold. They watched the clock. The flight was due to leave at 6:00 P.M. And there were only minutes left.

Then a voice came over the P.A. System.

“Western Airlines, flight #771 leaving for Honolulu, now boarding at Gate 63”

The group minus Steve and Verna, filed down the jet bridge. Six o'clock came and passed. Yet Jim and Joy watched through the airport's smoked-glass windows as the big plane sat unmoving. Why weren't they leaving? The uniformed airline agent still stood behind a desk at the gate, the empty jet bridge yawning at his back. No voice came over the P.A. To explain the delay.

Jim looked at his watch. It was now 6:15.

Just then, a young YWAMer, Clay Golliher, came rushing into the terminal. He was panting, his face damp and red. “Has the plane left for Hawaii?” he gasped. “God told me to give some money to the team leaving for Hawaii.” He nodded to Steve and Vera “Do you need some money?”

“Yes,” Steve said. “We each need $100.”

Clay reached into his pocket and pulled out a white envelope. “Then I guess this is for you two!”

Steve and Verna thanked him, grabbed the money and ran to the airline personnel. At first they refused them. It was too late, there were told. Everyone else was on the plane and besides, it was already past the departure time!

Jim Dawson got into the act, persuading the officials to bend a little and let the two young people join their friends on the plane.

“They're going on a missionary trip,” Jim offered.

Finally the airline people gave in. Tickets were hastily written out and Steve and Verna ran down the jet bridge, carrying their suitcases on board with them.

Clay, Jim and Joy watched as the big plane slowly pulled away. Then they heard Clay's side of the story.

Clay had been in another part of L.A. that afternoon, at the Philippine Consulate, getting a visa for his own missionary trip. As he crossed the marble lobby to leave, God's voice came clearly into his mind, You don't need that extra spending money you have for your trip.

The Lord impressed him that he was to give it to the team leaving for Hawaii that evening. He looked at a clock on the wall of the office building—2:30!—and he knew the group was leaving at 6:00. He rushed out of the building and began looking for a bus. He hopped aboard and slowly made his way across L.A. in fits and starts. Finally, he was deposited on Foothill Boulevard in Sunland, one block away from the YWAM Center.
Clay ran to the building, but his heart sank at the sight of the empty parking lot. There was one car, however. The doors the the center were all locked, but he went around banging on the side doors, the front and back doors. A boy came to the door dripping wet. He had been in the shower. He told Clay the Hawaii team had left and hour before. At Clay's urging, the boy dressed and the two got into the car and headed for the airport, fighting the L.A. rush hour traffic on the freeways. At last, they arrived at the curb in front of the terminal—well after the flight's departure time.
Clay stopped his story and began to laugh with Jim and Joy. There were so many improbable incidents in his account: a bus just at the right time in a city known for its lack of buses; one lone guy left behind, taking a shower, who happened to have a car; the unexplained delay of the plane until Clay got there. How much they would have missed, they all agreed, if Jim and Joy had reacted out of their emotions and given the money to the two.
So many times we miss the excitement of giving because we don't listen to the Lord and obey Him.

Friday, June 10, 2011

The event formerly known as: 'The Concert'

Remember that concert I was telling you about? Well it's really turned into more of a talent show/open house. It will be at the Trott Brooks Barn in Elk River, July 6th from 1-7pm. I already paid for the reservation so I'm not backing out now, but we keep going back and forth as to what this 'event' will actually consist of.

At this point it looks like there will be: 
A lot of talent acts by Mickelson kids,
A little kid dance party in the afternoon, 
A big kid dance party in the evening,
Some food eating,
Some money making,
Some fun having,
and Some goodbye saying.

Mostly we're gonna have some fun, raise awareness about what the Platts and I are attempting to do, and see what God does to make it happen.

We currently don't have any talent acts set up, so if you have something to share just bring it with you day of, and we'll be more than happy to clear the stage for you :P

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Trust in the Lord....
What can you trust the Lord to do?

Can you trust Him to let you have what you want?
Can you trust Him to save what you love?
Can you trust Him to keep you from harm?
Can you trust Him to save your life?
Can you trust Him to give you what you need?
Can you trust Him to do the best thing for everyone?
Will that be the best thing for you?
Will that be what you want?
Will you be happy anyway?

It's not looking like God's going to give me my concert.

In the book Is that really you God? the first YWAMer's wanted to buy a ship, paint it white, and use it to bring food and medical supplies to the islands of the South Pacific. But, they got their heart set on one ship, and they got so excited about it that they forgot to give the glory to God. When he convicted them of this they knew that, after they changed their thinking, God could either heal their dream, or they could let it die and he would resurrect it in whatever form or timing he chose. Well he did bring it back to life, they had to wait longer for it to happen , but it was just as spectacular as they had dreamed it would be.

So, God could heal my dream, and it will be good enough. Or I could let it die, and He could raise it up somewhere else, and it would be amazingly awesome, but it won't be what I wanted.

Lord, help me to let it go, help me to be ok with it, help me to trust you, and help me to mean it.

Trust is such a funny word. When I have a little boy I think I'll name him Trustin.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

One step at a time

I've been doing a lot to get ready for the concert next month, but it's kind of being a pain in the behind right now. So here's what I did/am doing to get ready for the trip outside of that:
  1. Stayed at the Platt's house for a weekend to get to know their family better from a nanny's perspective. Max and I had a little contest to see who was gonna be the boss, but he loved me by the time I had to go. We plan to get together a few more times before we leave. 
  2. Sent in a resume and the 8 page application to YWAM so I can work in the Creche (preschool) room while I'm there.
  3. Got a new passport, because the one I used when I went to Australia expired the 25th of March.
  4. Sent out sponsor letters to let my far away family in on what's happening, and of course to ask for money  :P
  5. Went to the doctor to make sure I was all up to date on my immunizations.  It turned out I only needed one shot, and my CBC came back normal.  :)
  6. Reading Loren Cunningham's book 'Is that really you God?'. His autobiography about learning to hear the voice of God, and starting Youth With A Mission.
  7. Gathering tips and tricks for how to pack for 6 months in one suitcase. (I really don't want to have to leave my fashion sense behind...)

Monday, April 18, 2011

What goes up, must come down.

What is good must be hard, and what is exciting will also be scary.

When I first started thinking about the possibility of going on a missions trip for half a year, it was all about the ideas (my favorite part). Ideas for packing and preparing, going and doing, saying good bye, and of course fund raising! In the way of money I will need about $5,000 to get there, stay there, and get back. That doesn't include spending money or an ipad (witch would be really nice to have!).

The story of my grand fund raising idea: A few years ago some friends and I started a band we called Silver Lining, we did a couple single song performances for 4-H, but we really weren't that successful, so we kind of gave up. I did want to do one last something with them before I leave though, go out with a bang, and then we could be officially done. I was thinking concert, with more than one song so we wouldn't have to fight about which one to do! Then I was thinking "Who for though? Our parents? Um, no offence, but, no. People want to go for a reason, if it's not to see a really famous/popular band, then maybe, to support a good cause? So a benefit concert, for me and the Platt's to go learn to do God's work, in New Zealand!"

Now back to good being hard: Having ideas is very exciting, putting them into action is scary! Mostly because you don't know what kind of resistance you're going to meet with, what kind of walls you'll have to climb over. For me it's been trying to get busy people on board with my plan, while I'm being side tracked myself. I wish I could already be there, away from here, completely focused on the task at hand, but I'm still at home in the real world, where there's school, laundry, 4-H camp counselors, writing and arts-in show, potty training RavenLeigh, and teaching a deaf dog to obey. Plus getting ready for the trip itself! Most of these aren't completely my responsibility, but I am expected to do my share.

I'm not trying to complain to the world and whine for help or sympathy, but the account of my experience would not be complete without the trials and troubles that come with it. I know that if God wants me to get there he will make a way, and provide the money, even if my idea is a total flop. In fact I know that a lot of what he wants to do though this whole thing, is teach me something. If it was just about the Platts getting the help they could use (but wouldn't die without) He would have chosen someone better suited to the job. But, he picked me, so I know it's gotta have something to do with me. Either He's going to tell me to keep on keeping on through every obstacle on my way, or He's going to teach me not to plan things out so specifically because it's never gonna be perfect. 


Friday, March 25, 2011

New Zealand?!

I used to think my life was boring, that it would be fun if God picked me up and sent me to Africa. He does that sometimes you know, but I thought He would wait till I had my own life, or something. Plus God seems to like picking people who think they're really bad to show that he can use anyone. I don't think I'm that bad, so either He's doing this to show me how bad I am (pride comes before the fall), or that He can use good people too (hoping it's the latter!).

But then one day (3/9/11) Mom told me to read Angie Platt's blog: (there was only one post at the time). Angie wrote about how God was asking thier family to go to New Zealand to participate in YWAM Family Ministies, and she was worried about taking her 3 little boys though the airport and on a plane for 20 hours. So Mom's great idea was to send them with one of her helpers, which would be me.

OMGSH! I am 100% Excited! and 100% Nervous! 
I'm definitely thinking this is what God wants me to do because:
A. I wouldn't think it was God if it was my idea, and this was NOT my idea. 
B. I have allready been to Australia, I mean that is the last place I would pick to go, and
C. I know about little kids, and I have watched her boys before.   

WOW. So I do plan to accept God's invitation to adventure, and all the pros & cons it comes with.

I will only be gone for 6 months of my life                   
         I will be gone for 6 whole months of my life!
I will get to know these 3 boys like my own family     
        I will miss my own family
I will get to travel (which I love to do)                       
        I will miss State Arts In (which I also love to do)
I will get all the social study credits I need                 
        It will cost a ton of money
I will be living in beautiful 30-80 weather                 
        I will miss our beautiful Autumn and first snow
I will be living in God's will                                      
       I will miss SAI :(

We leave in mid July and come back on an open ended ticket as late as February.  My purpose is to help the Platt Family and work in the 'on campus preschool'.  It's going to be a lot of work, but maybe God gave me a bunch of brothers and sisters on purpose, for such a time as this.  I also think I'm going to learn a ton about myself and God. Yes I will miss SAI and all of my great friends there, but I will be back for three more years after this.  I'll need to pay for my plane ticket and living expenses while I'm there. It will cost >$5,000. That's a ton of money! So I will be doing a couple of fund raisers, and asking for donations.  I'll be setting up a PayPal spot for $$, for now I hope you'll keep me in your prayers as I get ready to serve.  I'll also create a Blog to share my experience (and here we are!).